Kore Design - The Leader In Active Sitting
Kore™ award-winning core chairs are designed to create a better living environment. The patented gently-rounded base allows a rocking motion while sitting which helps strengthen one’s core and help improve posture with daily use. Ideal for the workplace or home office, the Kore™ Office PLUS Everyday Chair is specifically designed to keep adults physically and mentally active when they are sitting at a fixed height desk.
Discover the benefits of active sitting. Kore products are trusted by schools across the USA & Canada as a solution to alternative seating & classroom needs.
How fun would it be if kids could sit in their seats and wiggle and wobble whenever they like? Don’t you think that’s possible? It wasn’t before. Now, thanks to kore wobble chairs (AKA core chairs), you can ensure that sitting down is more fun than ever for them.
Kore wobble stools also promote a positive posture enabling more blood flow to the brain. The more the blood flows, the more oxygen it will get and the more it will perform, increasing brain functions.